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Could we PLEASE have default fonts in which 1 and I are distinct

Posted 10 years ago

I know this has been said before, but enter image description here

POSTED BY: David Keith
5 Replies

I modified the default stylesheet of Mma version 8 to use LatinModern fonts. It was not easy, as the documentation of stylesheets is obscure. It is difficult to access, because I have to remember its path. At last the document looked looked almost TeX-like. When I started my presentation I realized that the notebook had reverted to the Mma 10 default. Too late to fix on the fly.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

I just note that there is a clear distinction between 1 and I in Text cells, Input cells, and Output cells. The only place they look very similar is in sectioning styles: Title, Chapter, Subchapter, Subtitle, Subsubtitle, Section, Subsection, Subsubsection.

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg

I wish it was easier to modify stylesheets and make them 'stick' to the documents, so that if you distribute a notebook with a custom stylesheet, the stylesheet will travel with the notebook.

There has got to be something better than Gill Sans. I use Optima, which comes standard on Macs, but which may not on Windows. I also use something besides Arial for text. Everyone should have access to Helvetica, and it is much more aesthetically pleasing.

I wish it was easier to modify stylesheets and make them 'stick' to the documents, so that if you distribute a notebook with a custom stylesheet, the stylesheet will travel with the notebook.

But it is easy to make s style sheet "stick to" a notebook: from main menu just use Format > Edit Stylesheet, which opens a window "Stye Definitions for....". Then either make your changes there or, instead, open whatever stylesheet you wish to apply, copy everything from the latter, and paste it in place of the single "Default.nb" cell you see in the "Stye Definitions for...." window.

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg

OK. I tried this and it works.

Not exactly 'easy' or intuitive. There should be a menu command to copy the stylesheet into the notebook without having to muck around opening the stylesheet from the User library and then pasting it.

If I recall correctly, there used to be such a command.

For my purposes, it would be just as easy to make a notebook template with the styles I want and open it when I needed a new notebook. In OS X, there is a way to make a file into 'stationery'.

Or, I could just use one of the other pre-defined stylesheets and hope that there will be more choice in fonts supplied with Mathematica. Many of the stylesheets other than the default seem to use Times and Helvetica exclusively. That is acceptable, and probably better than the choice for the default (Arial and Gill Sans). Interestingly, the style sheet for this year's WTC presentations uses Helvetica for text, and a mix of Arial, Gill Sans, and Helvetica for titles, sections, etc. Once could do a decent job making a stylesheet with just Helvetica and vary the thickness a bit (or use Helvetica neue, which has more choices.)

Something odd about the style sheet. In the Stylesheet window, the font is Times, but in the document itself, the font is Courier. The same thing happens with the default stylesheet. I will discuss this with tech support. (probably a bug)

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