Just thinking outloud:
I was struck and amused by a comment on mathgroup the other day to the effect "The answers here (mathgroup) seem very useful, but I can't understand them".
I am wondering if it might be attractive to have a community place for beginners to ask simple questions and to get a "beginner-type" answer.
For example, a beginner-type answer might be
listOfSquares[n_] := Table[i^2,{i,1,n}]
Whereas a non beginner-type answer might be
listOfSquares[n_] := #^2&/@Range[n]
Both types of answer have their place, and seeing them both is instructive; but a beginner's question with only a non-beginner's answer will not be very inviting.
Such a group would benefit from extra moderator attention and/or curation; it may not be worth the extra effort in the long run.