I have a question about customising the plot line colours.. for example in the below figure
I would like to use the same colour, but adjust the shade and make a gradient of colour pattern for the plots.. like dark red for the plot D = 2 to a very light red for the plot D = 0.2.. is it possible in Mathematica?
I suggest looking up Hue, Table, and PlotStyle. But his will work with the code as used:
Plot[functions, {x, 0, 1}, PlotStyle -> Reverse[colors]]
Thanks! it helped! I actually did not follow the code well, but it worked on copying and pasting.. How would it be if the colour shading is in the opposite direction?
Here is one method:
functions = Table[Log10[a x], {a, 1, 5, 1}]; colors = Table[Hue[1, s], {s, 1, .2, -1/Length[functions]}] // N; Plot[functions, {x, 0, 1}, PlotStyle -> colors]