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Bug or my incompotence & a question...

I've run into a weird bug in ListLinePlot. It seems to be missing a point and miss-assigning a different one, I've done a couple other such plots w/o issue. Here is the code (and attached is the graph):

ListLinePlot[{{{0, 400}, {10, 400}, {85, 335}, {400, 335}}, {{0, 650}, {10, 650}, {335, 400}, {400, 400}}, {{0, 400}, {8, 400}, {200, 260}, {400, 260}}}, PlotMarkers->{Automatic}]

Removing the {10, 650}, seems to register the missing {0, 650} point. What am I doing wrong? Or is this really a bug?

POSTED BY: Andrew Meier
3 Replies

Hi Andrew,

you are right. This blue dot to mark the clipping can be confusing. If, however, you set the ClippingStyle to False, that problem can be solved, too:

ListLinePlot[{{{0, 400}, {10, 400}, {85, 335}, {400, 335}}, {{0, 650}, {10, 650}, {335, 400}, {400, 400}}, {{0, 400}, {8, 400}, {200, 260}, {400, 260}}}, PlotMarkers -> {Automatic}, ClippingStyle -> False]



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Thank you PlotRange ->All does fix the issue. And it seems to ignore the first two points of that second set on the plot. What is confusing is that blue dot on the yellow line. I'm guessing that it means "hey there is more data up here but we're not plotting it" But the fact there is a blue line w/ blue plot marks, it made it very confusing. Thank you again.

POSTED BY: Andrew Meier
Posted 10 years ago

Add a


and the problem goes away.

The default method to decide which points are "interesting" has decided one of your points isn't.

POSTED BY: Bill Simpson
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