A .m file would actually allow you to store native semantic data, but I can see why you'd want to use a SQL database. For the example you provided, it should be easy to use a few customized DatabaseLink commands to export the data into your schema. I suggested stringification because I didn't know if you wanted to store Wolfram Language-specific objects such as GeoObjects or entities, although you could actually use SQLExpr for that.
Here's an example:
dataset =
<|"date" -> DateObject["Aug 5 2015"],
"portfolio" -> 1044,
"percentMaturedEarly" -> "30"|>,
<|"date" -> DateObject["Aug 6 2015"],
"portfolio" -> 2775,
"percentMaturedEarly" -> "25"
SQLInsert[myconnection, "MYTABLE", {"date", "portfolio",
"percentMaturedEarly"}, {SQLDateTime[
DateList[#[["date"]]]], #[["portfolio"]], #[["percentMaturedEarly"]]} & /@ Normal[dataset]]