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Return of the "Product Activation" Dialog

In a previous thread, it has been noted that if a user on a Raspberry Pi is not a member of the video group, the user will not be able to use Mathematica and instead will be stuck in an inescapable Product Activation dialog. It's a weird error that results from the way Wolfram ensures that their (in this case, free) software is running on the RPi (or so I've heard).

I have run in to the same problem, although this time, it is not due to the groups issue mentioned earlier. I am confident that it is the product activation issue, since I am able to get around it via sudo wolfram. The problem came up in a very foolish way. I have multiple RPi's on my desk, and typically access them through SSH terminals on my main PC. I just purchased the 3.5" PiTFT from Adafruit and put that on one of the RPi's. When following their installation routine, which requires a modified kernel, I accidentally entered all the commands on my non PiTFT RPi. It was then that I noticed that Mathematica no longer worked on the RPi.

I've tried adding new users, running dpkg reconfigure wolfram-engine and am now ready to revert back to an older backup. I'd like to exhaust my troubleshooting options, however, before I go that route.

To make a long story short are there other checks similar to the video user-group that can be shared so that I (hopefully no one is stupid enough to repeat this error to make it a 'we') can get my (non sudo'ed) wolfram back?

2 Replies

Try checking the actual access permissions for /dev/fb0 and /dev/vchiq. You may need to adjust the latter by doing something like

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="vchiq",GROUP="video",MODE="0660"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/10-vchiq-permissions.rules

and double-checking that any unprivileged account used to run Mathematica is a member of the video group.

POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski

Thanks Illian, that did the trick. my /dev/vchiq did not have the correct permissions. Nice catch.

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