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Do something similar using my own coordinates

Posted 9 years ago

In these days of rest , I was talking with sometbody people dedicated to different things to mine, but all use the computer every day , something that interested me, I want to share, is basically, if you can do the following in Mathematica . given the latitude and longuitud of a place on earth , obtained with google earth , could you get something like that shown in Mathematica documentation ? where Mount Everest is used , explain below what I mean .

I have the following coordinates: Latitude 19 °34'14''N and of longitude 98 ° 47'12''W and I would like to get something like what they do in the Mathematica documentation ,I put the code here


is there any way to do the same using the coordinates that I have ?, if anyone has any idea how to do that I would appreciate help , because this problem is the first time I am trying to solve something like this. Thanks in advance

POSTED BY: Luis Ledesma
4 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Marco thank you very much for your help and patience to help me find the solution to the error Mathematica threw me everything and works wonders.

Greetings Luis .

POSTED BY: Luis Ledesma
Posted 9 years ago

Hi mark, thank you very much for your help with this problem, the solution that your i've works, but I have problems when you run the following lines,i don't know why Mathematica i drew attention to an error, please see the image

error throw mathematica

the rest works really well, i currently i am using Mathematica 10.0 and do not understand why the error, many thanks again.

POSTED BY: Luis Ledesma

Hi Luis,

it works fine on my system (MMA10.3, OSX10.11). It is strange that yo have problems at that point, given that the same thing worked a couple of lines earlier where you get "data". Quantity was introduced in MMA9 and updated in 10.0 so that should not be a problem. Having said that, GeoBoundingBox seems to have been updated in 10.1 so you would not have that update.

GeoDisk seems to work in "data". Could you please try

img = Image[
     GeoDisk[GeoPosition[{35227/1800, -7409/75}], 
      Quantity[10, "Miles"]]]}]]



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Hi Luis,

I guess that in principle this works:

data = GeoElevationData[GeoDisk[Here, Quantity[10, "Miles"]]];
ListPlot3D[data, MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, Mesh -> 40]

It tries to estimate your GPS coordinates from our IP address. Sometimes that doesn't work quite well. If you know your geoposition you can use an inline semantic input like so:

enter image description here

For your position this is:

data = GeoElevationData[GeoDisk[GeoPosition[{35227/1800, -7409/75}], Quantity[10, "Miles"]]];
ListPlot3D[data, MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, Mesh -> 40]

enter image description here

You can make this look a bit nicer like so:

img = Image[GeoGraphics[GeoBoundingBox[GeoPosition[{35227/1800, -7409/75}], Quantity[10, "Miles"]]]]
ListPlot3D[data, MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, Mesh -> 40, PlotStyle -> Directive[Texture[img]]]

enter image description here



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
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