I have 2 sets of input, one that displays 3 points and the other that displays a line function. Seperately they both work fine but I cannot figure out how to combine them so that the line function appears on the same graph as the points.
Here is the line function:
a = -0.3;
b = 2;
f[x_] = a x + b;
Plot[f[x],{x,0,5}, PlotStyle->{{Red,Thickness[0.015]}}, AxesLabel->{"x","f[x]"}]
And here are the points:
globb1 = Graphics[{Green,PointSize[0.15], Point[{1,4}]}];
globb2 = Graphics[{Green,PointSize[0.18], Point[{3,1.4}]}];
globb3 = Graphics[{Green,PointSize[0.17], Point[{4.2, 2.3}]}];
moregreenblobs =Show[globb1,globb2,globb3,PlotRange->{{0,5},{0,5}},
Axes->True, AxesOrigin->{0,0}, AxesLabel->{"x","y"}]