If, like me, you missed
Tau Day a few months back, you can still celebrate everyone's favourite underdog numerical constant. So let's make a "
?-shirt" to counter those all those lame Pi shirts.
Here's how to make a Tau shirt in Mathematica.
Start by getting some digits of tau:
digits = Characters @ ToString[N[2*Pi, 10000]];
Now let's draw a really big Tau, and turn it into an array of pixels:
tau = Style["?", FontSize -> 128, FontFamily -> "Times"];
tau = Binarize @ Rasterize @ tau;
Next, all we have to do is walk through the pixels in raster order, creating the next glyph at the location of each successive black pixel:
i = 1;
glyphs = MapIndexed[
If[#1 == 0, Text[ digits[[i++]], {1,-1.3} * Reverse[#2] ]&,
ImageData[tau], {2}
And render with a cool font:
Graphics[Style[glyphs, FontFamily -> "Ubuntu"], ImageSize -> 420]

Now to PDF for printing (and thence to https://www.shirts.io/).
Export["?.pdf", %]
Unfortunately the font isn't preserved, but the fight for tau equality was never going to be easy.