Dear Everyone,
I am trying to combine the picture generated by BodePlot with simulated data points generated by Spice. When I use the function Show[], the BodePlot appears to be smaller than the data imported. I would like that all curves have same size in order to compare them.
data = Import["opamp_model.txt", "Table"];
x1y1 = data[[All, {1, 2}]];
x1y2 = data[[All, {1, 3}]];
M = ListLogLinearPlot[x1y1, ImageSize -> 550, Frame -> False,
PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, ColorData[20, 5]], Frame -> False,
AspectRatio -> 1/2.25, GridLines -> Automatic,
GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Dashed], PlotLabel -> "MAGNITUDE",
AxesLabel -> {"Freq. (Hz)", "Mag. (db)"}]
P = ListLogLinearPlot[x1y2, ImageSize -> 550, Frame -> True,
PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, ColorData[20, 5]], Frame -> False,
AspectRatio -> 1/2.25, GridLines -> Automatic,
GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Dashed]];
BP = BodePlot[-((
1.2*10^10*(s - 113*10^6) (s + 459*10^6))/((s + 0.98) (s +
25.5*10^3) (s + 9.5*10^6) (s + 43*10^6))), ImageSize -> 550,
Frame -> False, PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, ColorData[20, 1]],
Frame -> False, AspectRatio -> 1/2.25, GridLines -> Automatic,
GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Dashed], PlotLayout -> "List",
PlotLabel -> {"MAGNITUDE", "PHASE"},
AxesLabel -> {{"Freq. (Hz)", "Mag. (db)"}, {"Freq. (Hz)",
"Phase (degree)"}},
ScalingFunctions -> {{"Log10", "dB"}, {"Log10", "Degree"}}]
Show[Part[BP, 1], M, PlotRange -> Automatic]
Show[Part[BP, 2], P, PlotRange -> Automatic]