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Has anybody gotten WSTP to compile under Visual Studio Community 2015?

Posted 9 years ago

I recently picked up an old project involving WSTP (formerly MathLink) programs, and as a starting place tried to get the demos provided by Wolfram to compile. The instructions were dated, referring to Visual Studio 2010 and 2012, and key sections discussed only command line tools under Visual Studio 2012. I had no luck getting anything to compile or build.

I couldn't even get wsprep to output a .c file.

Has anybody had any luck with WSTP under the Visual Studio 2015 IDE? I'd love to hear what settings you used, etc.

POSTED BY: Michael Stern
2 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

reporting back after a year -- I did ultimately get it all to work. I think the problem with wsprep was that I had probably failed to run the Developer Command Prompt in administrator mode.

POSTED BY: Michael Stern

I am able to compile the examples using VS community 2015. There are no settings specific to 2015 VS that I can think of, just followed the documentation and i was able to run the examples.

POSTED BY: Damanjit Singh
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