Right now, I have a form function that works fine. (It needs a lot of polish, but the basics are there). I've created the CloudObject using CloudDeploy and it all works. BUT ... The behavior I would like is for the form to return an answer AND a new copy of the form so that the user can twiddle with the inputs. The user thus works with the form interactively. I know this is probably a dumb question, but what do I do?
form = FormFunction[{"ev" ->
Association["Interpreter" -> "Expression", "Required" -> False],
"f" -> Association["Interpreter" -> "Expression",
"Required" -> False],
"t" -> Association["Interpreter" -> "Expression",
"Required" -> False],
"iso" ->
Association["Interpreter" -> "Expression", "Required" -> False],
"nd" -> Association["Interpreter" -> "Expression",
"Required" -> False]},
N@Switch[NumericQ /@ {#ev, #f, #t, #iso, #nd}, {False, True, True,
True, True},
ev[#f, #t, #iso, #nd], {True, False, True, True, True},
f[#t, #ev, #iso, #nd], {True, True, False, True,
True}, {t[#f, #ev, #iso, #nd],
reciprocalT[#f #ev, #iso, #nd]}, {False, False, False, True,
False}, iso[#f, #t, #ev, #nd], {True, True, True, True, False},
nd[#f, #t, #ev, #iso], _, Missing[]] &,
AppearanceRules ->
Association["Title" -> "Exposure Calculator",
"Description" -> "Enter any four values and press submit"],
FormTheme -> "Blue"]