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How to make drop down icon to expand groups of cells


I was wondering if there's any way to create a drop down icon to click that can open/close groups of cells in Mathematica.

I saw some examples of notebooks and in Wolfram documentation that has arrow at the left corner to expand the cells however I couldn't find the option to create it anywhere.

At the moment I open/close group of cells by double click it at the right corner however, it looks very inconvenient to do so.



assuming that you have a couple of cells in one group (you can group cells using the Cell>Grouping>GroupCells/GroupTogether menu). Then you mark the cells and go to Format>Option Inspector>Cell Options>Display Options and tick the ShowGroupOpener box.

enter image description here

Alternatively, you can group the cells and click on the first one. Then you press (on a Mac) Shift+Apple+E and add ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon -> True to the end of the cell (just before the last bracket. It should look somewhat like this.

enter image description here

Then you click on the cell again and press Shift+Apple+E once more.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
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