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Problem solving an integral with Wolfram|Alpha?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi, today i was solving some math problems with integrals and wolfram alpha (windows 10 app version) gave me an answer that i think is incorrect, could this be possible? Here is the (i think wrong) result: After that i checked on another integral calculator and it gave me this result: which i think its correct. Can someone tell me if i am right or if i am ignoring something?

POSTED BY: Rodrigo Viana
3 Replies


that is the step by step solution. This also works:

FullSimplify[1/2 Log[x + 2] - (Evaluate@Integrate[1/(2 x + 4), x]), Assumptions -> x > -1]

It gives


so a constant which obviously equals

-(-(Log[2]/2) + Log[4]/2)

You can also do:

1/2 Log[x + 2] + Log[2]/2 == (Evaluate@Integrate[1/(2 x + 4), x]) // FullSimplify

or evaluate the derivatives:

FullSimplify[D[1/2 Log[x + 2], x] == D[(Evaluate@Integrate[1/(2 x + 4), x]), x]]



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Dear Rodrigo,

that's a kind of problem that comes up from now to then. It is true that the two results look different (and are up to a constant). If you plot the functions they do look different:

Plot[{1/2 Log[x + 2], Evaluate@Integrate[1/(2 x + 4), x]}, {x, -5, 6}]

enter image description here

They are obviously not identical. I will argue that they are still the same up to an additive constant.

Let's look at WolframAlpha's solution the the solution that you got from the other program (and that I got from Mathematica using Integrate); I'll evaluate the difference for some arbitrary value, here $x=0$:

(1/2 Log[x + 2] - (Evaluate@Integrate[1/(2 x + 4), x])) /. x -> 0

We get

enter image description here

If we subtract that appropriately we get:

Plot[1/2 (-2 (Log[2]/2 - Log[4]/2) + Log[2 + x] - Log[4 + 2 x]), {x, -15.5, 11.5}]

enter image description here

That's what we can call a "numerical zero". We can now do that more rigorously:

FullSimplify[1/2 Log[x + 2] - (Log[2]/2 - Log[4]/2) - (Evaluate@Integrate[1/(2 x + 4), x])]

evaluates to zero. So the two solutions are identical up to an additive constant.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 9 years ago

Thank you very much for the explanation!

POSTED BY: Rodrigo Viana
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