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How to implement properly this Series in WL?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi I'm trying to implement the series in mathematica, but somehow it is not producing the required results. Could you please help me out?

enter image description here

this is the series, and i'm implementing it like:

enter image description here

but the answer should be:

enter image description here

I have added the source file as well, test.nb


POSTED BY: Muhammad Afzal
3 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

your implementation is correct, there is something missing in the result that you provide as the correct one. If you consider n>2, lets say n=3 you get all the factors of U derivative provided, but some other ones too not listed. enter image description here

Apparently some fractions have same denominators and are already summed in your solution provided.

POSTED BY: Tom Zinger
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Gianluca Gorni, but unfortunately i'm not getting the same answer.

POSTED BY: Muhammad Afzal

Mathematica's answer appears to be the correct one.

You can write a sum in a more direct way:

u[\[Xi]_] = 
 Sum[Subscript[a, n] (D[s[\[Xi]], {\[Xi], n}]/s[\[Xi]])^n, {n, 0, 2}]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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