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Change amplitude of the audio generated by Play?

Posted 9 years ago

How to change the amplitude of the audio generated by the command "Play[Sin[4402Pi*t],{t,0,10}]"? What options deal with this issue? Thanks...

POSTED BY: John Steigerwalt
4 Replies

Sorry for my lack of basic understanding that prevents me from stating my issue more clearly. I have been looking in Help for the Play function and not seeing a volume control that I think should be available. A simple example would be to combine a fundamental note with one overtone note and assign a volume independently to each. "Play[(10 * Sin[4402Pit]) + (5Sin[8802Pi*t]),{t,0,1}]" From what I hear it seems that the amplitude coefficients 10 and 5 are ignored in the sound output.

Thank you for a continued response...

POSTED BY: John Steigerwalt

Well, the particular example you give is a bit boring, because the two sin functions have have the same frequency (sorry for this incorrect way of expressing this...), but this would work:

Play[2 Sin[440 2 Pi t] 20 Sin[440 2 Pi t], {t, 0, 1}]

So the idea is that you multiply the sine functions and not the Play functions. Play produces a nice "sound object" which a graphical interface and all. What you are doing is multiplying the output of that.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Thanks for your response. What I don't understand is why the following two Play commands seem to respond with the same volume sound: Play[2Sin[4402Pit],{t,0,1}] Play[20Sin[4402Pit],{t,0,1}] I want to combine several amplitude waveforms each with its own volume coefficient.

POSTED BY: John Steigerwalt

Well, what have you tried? The most obvious thing would be to try and multiply the Sin with some sort of time dependent amplitude such as:

Play[1/(t + 1)*Sin[440 2 Pi*t], {t, 0, 10}]

which works just fine.

enter image description here

Of course you can multiply by any time dependent amplitude:

Play[Cos[2 Pi t]*Sin[440 2 Pi*t], {t, 0, 10}]

enter image description here



This might also be useful:

Play[Evaluate[Sin[440 2 Pi*t] Evaluate[Which @@ Evaluate[Flatten[{#[[1]] <= t <= #[[2]], 1./RandomInteger[{2, 10}]} & /@ Transpose[{Range[0, 9], Range[1, 10]}]]]]], {t, 0, 10}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
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