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[GiF] Computational history: countries that are gone

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
2 Replies

Dear Vitaliy,

this is an absolutely amazing post!!! It would have been nice to have these graphics in my history classes back at school.

As you say RANK vs LIFETIME in a log-log for a large range there is a power-law like behaviour. It is actually interesting to look at the countries that did better than that. What did they do differently? It also appears that the half life time of countries/empires becomes shorter over time; there might be a strong selection bias though.

This is a really beautiful piece of work. Thanks for posting.


POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Dear Marco, thank you! Yes I think selection bias is quite strong. History is tough to quantify. The deeper in past the harder it is to detect fabrication and access cultural background, so the perception is distorted. On the other hand, perception of modern history is strongly distorted by politics and mass media. My old highschool history teacher was suggesting that history is akin quantum mechanics: one can make only probable descriptions and one's "measurements" (journalism) might affect the outcome and you always part of the process. This challenges make it even more interesting though.

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
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