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Comparison of PCA and NNMF over image de-noising

Posted 9 years ago


This post compares two dimension reduction techniques Principal Component Analysis (PCA) / Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NNMF) over a set of images with two different classes of signals (two digits below) produced by different generators and overlaid with different types of noise.

PCA/SVD produces somewhat good results, but NNMF often provides great results. The factors of NNMF allow interpretation of the basis vectors of the dimension reduction, PCA in general does not. This can be seen in the example below.


First let us get some images. I am going to use the MNIST dataset for clarity. (And because I experimented with similar data some time ago — see "Classification of handwritten digits".).

MNISTdigits = ExampleData[{"MachineLearning", "MNIST"}, "TestData"];
{testImages, testImageLabels} = 
  Transpose[List @@@ RandomSample[Cases[MNISTdigits, HoldPattern[(im_ -> 0 | 4)]], 100]];

enter image description here

See the breakdown of signal classes:

(* {{4, 48}, {0, 52}} *)

Verify the images have the same sizes:

Tally[ImageDimensions /@ testImages]
dims = %[[1, 1]]

Add different kinds of noise to the images:

noisyTestImages6 = 
    {RandomChoice[{"GaussianNoise", "PoissonNoise", "SaltPepperNoise"}], RandomReal[1]}], {i, Length[testImages]}];
RandomSample[Thread[{testImages, noisyTestImages6}], 15]

enter image description here

Since the important values of the signals are 0 or close to 0 we negate the noisy images:

negNoisyTestImages6 = ImageAdjust@*ColorNegate /@ noisyTestImages6

enter image description here

Linear vector space representation

We unfold the images into vectors and stack them into a matrix:

noisyTestImagesMat = (Flatten@*ImageData) /@ negNoisyTestImages6;

(* {100, 784} *)

Here is centralized version of the matrix to be used with PCA/SVD:

cNoisyTestImagesMat = 
  Map[# - Mean[noisyTestImagesMat] &, noisyTestImagesMat];

(With NNMF we want to use the non-centralized one.)

Here confirm the values in those matrices:

Grid[{Histogram[Flatten[#], 40, PlotRange -> All, 
     ImageSize -> Medium] & /@ {noisyTestImagesMat, 

enter image description here

SVD dimension reduction

For more details see the previous answers.

{U, S, V} = SingularValueDecomposition[cNoisyTestImagesMat, 100];
ListPlot[Diagonal[S], PlotRange -> All, PlotTheme -> "Detailed"]
dS = S;
Do[dS[[i, i]] = 0, {i, Range[10, Length[S], 1]}]
newMat = U.dS.Transpose[V];
denoisedImages = 
  Map[Image[Partition[# + Mean[noisyTestImagesMat], dims[[2]]]] &, newMat];

enter image description here

Here are how the new basis vectors look like:

Take[#, 50] &@
 MapThread[{#1, Norm[#2], 
    ImageAdjust@Image[Partition[Rescale[#3], dims[[1]]]]} &, {Range[
    Dimensions[V][[2]]], Diagonal[S], Transpose[V]}]

enter image description here

Basically, we cannot tell much from these SVD basis vectors images.

Load packages

Here we load the packages for the what is computed next:




This command factorizes the image matrix into the product $W H$ :

{W, H} = GDCLS[noisyTestImagesMat, 20, "MaxSteps" -> 200];
{W, H} = LeftNormalizeMatrixProduct[W, H];


(* {100, 20} *)
(* {20, 784} *)

The rows of $H$ are interpreted as new basis vectors and the rows of $W$ are the coordinates of the images in that new basis. Some appropriate normalization was also done for that interpretation. Note that we are using the non-normalized image matrix.

Let us see the norms of $H$ and mark the top outliers:

norms = Norm /@ H;
ListPlot[norms, PlotRange -> All, PlotLabel -> "Norms of H rows", 
  PlotTheme -> "Detailed"] // 
OutlierPosition[norms, TopOutliers@*HampelIdentifierParameters]
OutlierPosition[norms, TopOutliers@*SPLUSQuartileIdentifierParameters]

enter image description here

Here is the interpretation of the new basis vectors (the outliers are marked in red):

MapIndexed[{#2[[1]], Norm[#], Image[Partition[#, dims[[1]]]]} &, H] /. (# -> Style[#, Red] & /@ 
   OutlierPosition[norms, TopOutliers@*HampelIdentifierParameters])

enter image description here

Using only the outliers of $H$ let us reconstruct the image matrix and the de-noised images:

pos = {1, 6, 10}
dHN = Total[norms]/Total[norms[[pos]]]*
    ReplacePart[ConstantArray[0, Length[norms]], 
     Map[List, pos] -> 1]];
newMatNNMF = W.dHN.H;
denoisedImagesNNMF = 
  Map[Image[Partition[#, dims[[2]]]] &, newMatNNMF];

Often we cannot just rely on outlier detection and have to hand pick the basis for reconstruction. (Especially when we have more than one classes of signals.)


At this point we can plot all images together for comparison:

imgRows = 
  Transpose[{testImages, noisyTestImages6, 
    ImageAdjust@*ColorNegate /@ denoisedImages, 
    ImageAdjust@*ColorNegate /@ denoisedImagesNNMF}];
With[{ncol = 5}, 
 Grid[Prepend[Partition[imgRows, ncol], 
   Style[#, Blue, FontFamily -> "Times"] & /@ 
    Table[{"original", "noised", "SVD", "NNMF"}, ncol]]]]

enter image description here

We can see that NNMF produces cleaner images. This can be also observed/confirmed using threshold binarization -- the NNMF images are much cleaner.

imgRows =
  With[{th = 0.5},
   MapThread[{#1, #2, Binarize[#3, th], 
      Binarize[#4, th]} &, {testImageLabels, noisyTestImages6, 
     ImageAdjust@*ColorNegate /@ denoisedImages, 
     ImageAdjust@*ColorNegate /@ denoisedImagesNNMF}]];
With[{ncol = 5}, 
 Grid[Prepend[Partition[imgRows, ncol], 
   Style[#, Blue, FontFamily -> "Times"] & /@ 
    Table[{"label", "noised", "SVD", "NNMF"}, ncol]]]]

enter image description here

Usually with NNMF in order to get good results we have to do more that one iteration of the whole factorization and reconstruction process. And of course NNMF is much slower. Nevertheless, we can see clear advantages of NNMF's interpretability and leveraging it.

Gallery with other experiments

For a gallery of outcomes of other experiments see the bottom of this blog post.

In those experiments I had to hand pick the NNMF basis used for the reconstruction. Using outlier detection without supervision would not produce good results most of the time.

Further comparison with Classify

We can further compare the de-noising results by building signal (digit) classifiers and running them over the de-noised images. For such a classifier we have to decide:

  1. do we train only with images of the two signal classes or over a larger set of signals;
  2. how many signals we train with;
  3. with what method the classifiers are built.

Below I use the default method of Classify with all digit images in MNIST that are not in the noised images set. The classifier is run with the de-noising traced these 0-4 images: PCAvsNNMF-for-images-diigits-0-4-NNMF-basis, PCAvsNNMF-for-images-diigits-0-4-comparison, PCAvsNNMF-for-images-diigits-0-4-binarize-comparison.

Get the images:

{trainImages, trainImageLabels} = Transpose[List @@@ Cases[MNISTdigits, HoldPattern[(im_ -> _)]]];
pred = Map[! MemberQ[testImages, #] &, trainImages];
trainImages = Pick[trainImages, pred];
trainImageLabels = Pick[trainImageLabels, pred];

(* {{0, 934}, {1, 1135}, {2, 1032}, {3, 1010}, {4, 928}, {5, 892}, {6, 958}, {7, 1028}, {8, 974}, {9, 1009}} *)

Build the classifier:

digitCF = Classify[trainImages -> trainImageLabels]

Compute classifier measurements for the original, the PCA de-noised, and NNMF de-noised images:

origCM = ClassifierMeasurements[digitCF, Thread[(testImages) -> testImageLabels]]

pcaCM = ClassifierMeasurements[digitCF, 
  Thread[(Binarize[#, 0.55] &@*ImageAdjust@*ColorNegate /@ denoisedImages) -> testImageLabels]]

nnmfCM = ClassifierMeasurements[digitCF, 
  Thread[(Binarize[#, 0.55] &@*ImageAdjust@*ColorNegate /@  denoisedImagesNNMF) -> testImageLabels]]

Tabulate the classification measurements results:

Grid[{{"Original", "PCA", "NNMF"},
  {Row[{"Accuracy:", origCM["Accuracy"]}], Row[{"Accuracy:", pcaCM["Accuracy"]}], Row[{"Accuracy:", nnmfCM["Accuracy"]}]},
  {origCM["ConfusionMatrixPlot"], pcaCM["ConfusionMatrixPlot"], nnmfCM["ConfusionMatrixPlot"]}}, 
 Dividers -> {None, {True, True, False}}]

enter image description here

We can see that NNMF produces better classification results.

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
4 Replies

Comparison of PCA, NNMF, and ICA

See this discussion for doing Independent Component Analysis (ICA) in Mathematica : "Independent component analysis for multidimensional signals".

This blog post shows an extension of the comparison in this discussion with ICA : "Comparison of PCA, NNMF, and ICA over image de-noising".

Image highlights of that comparison follow.

Original, noised, and de-noised images

Image collage of orginal, noised, PCA, NNMF, ICA de-noised 6 and 7 images

Comparison using classifiers

We can further compare the de-noising results by building digit classifiers and running them over the de-noised images.

Classifier comparison over PCA, NNMF, ICA de-noised images of 6 and 7

We can see that with ICA we get better results than with PCA/SVD, probably not as good as NNMF, but very close.

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Perhaps explain some of the acronyms as I had to look some of them up ;)

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Just did that. (And added another section of comparison with Classify.)

UPDATE: Actually, I did not explain the acronyms, just put links to them. It has been in my to-do list to make a post just explaining SVD and NNMF with simple 3D examples and more complicated higher dimensional examples. (I did a presentation like this at WRI in March, 2016.)

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov

enter image description here - another post of yours has been selected for the Staff Picks group, congratulations !

We are happy to see you at the tops of the "Featured Contributor" board. Thank you for your wonderful contributions, and please keep them coming!

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