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QSWalk: quantum stochastic walks on arbitrary graphs

Posted 9 years ago

QSWalk: a Mathematica package for quantum stochastic walks on arbitrary graphs

by Peter E. Falloon, Jeremy Rodriguez, Jingbo B. Wang

We present a Mathematica package, QSWalk, to simulate the time evaluation of Quantum Stochastic Walks (QSWs) on arbitrary directed and weighted graphs. QSWs are a generalization of continuous time quantum walks that incorporate both coherent and incoherent dynamics and as such, include both quantum walks and classical random walks as special cases. The incoherent component allows for quantum walks along directed graph edges. The dynamics of QSWs are expressed using the Lindblad formalism, originally developed for open quantum systems, which frames the problem in the language of density matrices. For a QSW on a graph of N vertices, we have a sparse superoperator in an $N^2$-dimensional space, which can be solved efficiently using the built-in MatrixExp function in Mathematica. We illustrate the use of the QSWalk package through several example case studies.

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6 Replies

Is this pure mathematics (nothing wrong with that) or are there applications?

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

There doesn't seem to be any mention of how to obtain the package ... there is no download link.

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát

For applications google: page rank quantum stochastic walk

I read the paper and I am highly interested in the code. From the paper I understood that the code will be provided by the authors. Where can this code be found? Somebody?

POSTED BY: Marcel Blattner

The paper lists the phone number of the authors. If any of interested will contact them, could you please let us know what will you find out.

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie

I already wrote to the corresponding author but got no answer so far.

POSTED BY: Marcel Blattner
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