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Graph the contour of a resulting Manipulate curve?

Posted 9 years ago

How can the green contour be graphed?

enter image description here

FourierF[a_, t_] := a.Table[Sin[ 2 Pi i t], {i, Length[a]}];

FourierAnim[a_, t_] :=
    A = Accumulate[a*Table[Cos[ 2 Pi i t], {i, Length[a]}]],
    B = Accumulate[a*Table[Sin[2 Pi i t], {i, Length[a]}]]},
   PrependTo[A, 0]; PrependTo[B, 0];
      {Circle[{A[[i]], B[[i]]}, a[[i]]],
       If[i != Length@a, 
        Line[{{A[[i]], B[[i]]}, {A[[i + 1]], B[[i + 1]]}}],
        {Red, Dashed, Line[{{A[[i]], B[[i]]}, {2, B[[i]]}}]}]

       (* next line needs to be fixed *)
       , {Green, Line[Table[{m, n}, {m, A[[i]], t}, {n, B[[i]], t}]]}
       (* end of section needing editing *)

      {i, Length@a}
     PlotRange -> {{-1.5, 3}, {-1, 1}}
    Plot[FourierF[a[[;; -2]], t - \[Tau]], {\[Tau], 2, 3}]

a = Table[(1 - (-1)^i)/i, {i, 64}]/Pi;
(* (1+(-1)^i)/i,{i,65} for sawtooth wave *)
(* ??? for triangle wave *)

  a[[;; j]], t], {t, 0, 1}, {j, 8, Length@a, 2}
(* {t,0,0.5},{j,9,Length@a,2} for sawtooth wave *)
(* ??? for triangle wave *)

The code is a modified version of the original; it demonstrates how the smooth motion of rotating circles can be used to build up any repeating curve.

The eventual solution was suggested by someone else as result of conversating on the topic:

Can you make a list of the points and use Line? You seem to be able to calculate the points at each time (in order to draw the figure). Just make a Table of them over one period with suitable increment of time.

One of the early attempts of coding this was left uncommented, because it is the only one that produced visible related results. I now understand the error in Table and the array it generates, but this example is perfect for showing the confusion of a beginner. The solution will help me a lot in learning through examples.

Additional question:
What exactly needs to be changed in the formula 1-(-1)^i)/i in order to make (an approximation of) a triangle wave?

Thank you in advance for your help, it is much appreciated!

POSTED BY: Bogdan Andersen
4 Replies

If I run your code I do get the triangular wave (see below). Do you need some other triangular shape?

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

Yes. The shape from your example is a "sawtooth" wave (from the now edited code above, by using the commented sawtooth code). Although triangular, it is different than the one commonly called "triangle". Roughly speaking, the "sawtooth" is a right-angle triangular waveform, while the "triangle" could be described as equilateral.
enter image description here
Image source: Waveform on Wikipedia.

POSTED BY: Bogdan Andersen

The code in the first post has been edited to reflect the evolution towards the solution. Superfluous details have been eliminated; question is now brief and clear.

POSTED BY: Bogdan Andersen
Posted 9 years ago

According to the definition of FourierF the parameter "a" contains the coefficients of a Fourier-Sine Series. Therefore to get "a" for some arbitrary function, you need to calculate the Sine Series coefficients. This implies that your function has odd symetrie around the origin. Therefore, you need to setup the triangular wave so that the zero is at the origin before you calulate the Sine Series. Also, take care about conventions used for Sine Series coefficients, they must match your base functions Sin[2Pi i t].

Further, by using the Sine Series coefficients as a radius, you imply that they are positive. This is easily fixed by taking the absolute value for the radius.

Here are the first few coefficients: {0.202642,0,-0.0225158,0,0.00810569,0,-0.00413556,0,0.00250176} As the first coefficient is much bigger than the rest, we will have one big circle and very tiny ones.

POSTED BY: Updating Name
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