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Letter frequencies in WordList

Posted 9 years ago

Can't run it on the Wolfram cloud. It's beyond my pay grade:

POSTED BY: Jackreece Ejini
2 Replies

Thank you. Quite elegant. I appreciate.

POSTED BY: Jackreece Ejini


you are actually quite close. The first thing is that you don't actually need to join the strings. I made the labelling a bit nicer.

BarChart[#[[All, 2]], ChartLabels -> #[[All, 1]]] &@Reverse@SortBy[Tally[Flatten[Characters /@ ToLowerCase[WordList[]]]], Last]

enter image description here

I have also sorted the letters with respect to their frequency. The code I suggest is not the shortest one but should be easy to understand.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
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