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Visualizing Olympic medals by country population and wealth

Posted 9 years ago

The Bloomberg Olympic medal counter features some great data on the wealth and population of the competing countries.

Whilst this is the best way to view the medal data, I struggle to get a sense of the relationship these metrics have with the medal counts.

I fired up Mathematica 11 to parse the Bloomberg html, and visualize their data.


It's a far cry from Zachary Littrell's fantastic breakdown by sport, but not bad for eleven lines of code!


source = StringSplit[Import["C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\medalDat.txt"],"\n"];
data = Transpose[(StringSplit[#, ">"][[-1]] & /@ 
       StringSplit[#, "</td>"][[;; -2]]) & /@ source[[;; -2]]];
data = StringReplace[#, {"," -> "", "$" -> ""}] & /@ # & /@ data;
{names, gold, silver, bronze, total, pop, gdpppp, poprat, gdprat} = data;
graphTypes = {gold, silver, bronze};
graphStyles = {Darker[Yellow, 0.1], Gray, Brown};
graphOffsets = 0.05 {-1, 0, 1};
graphs = ListPointPlot3D[
     Transpose[{Log[ToExpression /@ pop] + #[[3]], 
       Log[ToExpression /@ gdpppp], ToExpression /@ #[[1]]}], 
     Filling -> Axis, PlotRange -> All, FillingStyle -> Thick, 
     PlotStyle -> #[[2]], Boxed -> False, 
     Background -> Lighter[Gray, 0.95], 
     AxesLabel -> {"Population (Log millions)", 
       "GDPPPP (Log billion USD)", "Medals"}, 
     LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Medium]] & /@ 
   Transpose[{graphTypes, graphStyles, graphOffsets}];
Show @@ graphs
BarChart[Transpose[ToExpression@{gold, silver, bronze}][[#]], 
   ChartStyle -> graphStyles, ColorFunctionScaling -> False, 
   ChartLabels -> {Rotate[#, \[Pi]/2] & /@ names[[#]], None}] &@
POSTED BY: David Gathercole

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