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Avoid high processor usage while running TreeForm/@NestList[#^#&,x,4] ?

Posted 8 years ago

When I run


In version 11, the third output just keeps blinking. Processor usage stays high on the kernel process even after executing.

Anybody experiencing this?

POSTED BY: Jackreece Ejini
13 Replies


I cannot reproduce that on MMA 11 and OSX 10.11.6



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

I see it on MMA 11 running under Windows 10

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

I think your code has a useless \

TreeForm@NestList[#^# &, x, 4]

enter image description here

Yeah I'm using win 10

POSTED BY: Jackreece Ejini

The code was lifted from STEPHEN WOLFRAM'S book: elementary introduction to the wolfram language. Every keystroke is intended.

POSTED BY: Jackreece Ejini


how do you conclude that? Wouldn't that depend a bit on what you want to represent? It seems to be perfectly valid to look at the elements of the sequence.

TreeForm /@ NestList[#^# &, x, 4]

enter image description here

It appears to me that the input is syntactically correct.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Agree! It was only a supposition!

I have the same effect on my computer reported by Jackreece.

In[1]:= $Version

Out[1]= "11.0.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (July 28, 2016)"

Posted 8 years ago

Ok, great

POSTED BY: Updating Name

Ok, I tried this on several Macs. It appears to be a non-issue there.



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Sorry everyone.

Now I can see it on a Mac Mini, but only when I move the Mouse.

Shame. I hope for one Macs would not have that problem...



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Effect appears even for

TreeForm /@ NestList[#^# &, x, 2]

and only for one element:

enter image description here

All the others are ok:

enter image description here

Iv written to support. Does anyone have a faster way to get to them? It could be a problem with the rendering subsystem.

POSTED BY: Jackreece Ejini

I have reported to support, too, and sent them the file.

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