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ArrayCrop: anti ArrayPad, à la ImageCrop

I sometimes need a function that would remove background of constant elements from an array, which surround a non-background array block. This is an opposite (so not always inverse) action to an ArrayPad. ArrayCrop is to ArrayPad as ImageCrop to ImagePad.

  • Did I miss a built-in function that allows to do this?
  • Can function below be improved?

While you ponder about it, I will share a version I wrote, at least for programming exercise sake. It is based on SparseArray as it contains all needed information about background. Here is the function:


    ar=Most[ArrayRules[SparseArray[m, Automatic, v]]],




1D case

Automatic removal of $0$:

l = ArrayPad[{x, y, z}, {2, 3}]

Out[1]= {0, 0, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0}  
Out[2]= {x, y, z}

Specify element to remove:

l = ArrayPad[{x, y, z}, {2, 3}, w]
ArrayCrop[l, w]

Out[1]= {w, w, x, y, z, w, w, w}    
Out[2]= {x, y, z}

2D case

Automatic removal of $0$, - note the $0$-corner cases:

m = ArrayPad[{{0, x, 0}, {x, x, x}, {0, x, 0}}, {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}];
ArrayCrop[m] // MatrixForm

enter image description here

Specify element to remove:

m = ArrayPad[{{w, x, w}, {x, x, x}, {w, x, w}}, {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}, w];
ArrayCrop[m, w] // MatrixForm

enter image description here

3D case

core = RandomInteger[2, {2, 3, 4}];
pad = ArrayPad[core, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}];
AbsoluteTiming[ArrayCrop[pad] === core]
Image3D[#, ImageSize -> 200] & /@ {core, pad, ArrayCrop[pad]}

enter image description here

5D case

core = RandomInteger[9, {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}];
pad = ArrayPad[core, {{1, 1}, {2, 4}, {5, 6}, {7, 8}, {9, 10}}];
AbsoluteTiming[ArrayCrop[pad] === core]

Out[]= {25.0324, True}
POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
4 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

Position and Extract allow a more direct approach than SparseArray while keeping the logic similar. Shorter code plus a 2-3x speedup on the 5D case makes a good trade I think.

ArrayCrop[a_, b_] :=
  Span @@@ MinMax /@
    Transpose@Position[a, Except@b, {-1}, Heads -> False]]

ArrayCrop[a_] := ArrayCrop[a, 0]
POSTED BY: Michael Hale

I don't think you missed a particular function. Though it can be done faster. For one, you don't need to scan/touch the 'core', I can just start looking at the edge, and once I see non-padding I don't have to scan further. By cyclically Transposing the data I can check if that digit (array, matrix, hypermatrix) is only the padding stuff and if so, remove it. It can be done also without transposing but it is trickier...

$HistoryLength = 1;
ClearAll[ArrayCrop, DeleteStart, DeleteM, TransposeAndDelete]
DeleteStart[m_, pad_] := Module[{len},
  len = LengthWhile[m, MatchQ[Flatten[{#}], {pad ..}] &];
  Drop[m, len]
DeleteM[m_, pad_] := Reverse[DeleteStart[Reverse[DeleteStart[m, pad]], pad]]
TransposeAndDelete[m_, pad_] := DeleteM[Transpose[m, RotateLeft[Range[Depth[m] - 1]]], pad]
ArrayCrop2[m_, pad_] := Nest[TransposeAndDelete[#, pad] &, m, Depth[m] - 1]
ArrayCrop2[m_] := ArrayCrop2[m, 0]


core = {x, y, z};
l = ArrayPad[core, {2, 3}]
ArrayCrop[l] === ArrayCrop2[l] === core


core = {{0, x, y}, {x, x, x}, {0, x, 0}};
m = ArrayPad[core, {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}];
ArrayCrop[m] === ArrayCrop2[m] === core



5x speed up compared to your solution for big solutions, there may be room for more improvement by passing things by reference...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

The DeleteStart function should be called DropWhile perhaps, but that is not (yet) an existing function but would fit in with TakeWhile.

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Ok, without transposing I get a ~12x speed up:

ClearAll[ExtractND, LengthWhileN, ArrayCrop3]
ExtractND[m_, n_, i_] := Module[{spec},
  spec = ConstantArray[All, n];
  spec[[-1]] = i;
  Flatten[{Extract[m, spec]}]
LengthWhileN[m_, n_, pad_] := Module[{dims, dim, front, back},
  dims = Dimensions[m];
  dim = dims[[n]];
  front = LengthWhile[Range[dim], MatchQ[ExtractND[m, n, #], {pad ..}] &];
  back = LengthWhile[Range[dim], MatchQ[ExtractND[m, n, -#], {pad ..}] &];
  {front, back}
ArrayCrop3[m_] := ArrayCrop3[m, 0]
ArrayCrop3[m_, pad_] := Module[{d, padding},
  d = Depth[m] - 1;
  padding = LengthWhileN[m, #, pad] & /@ Range[d];
  padding[[All, 2]] *= -1;
  Extract[m, Span @@@ padding]

Which is roughly 12-13x faster for the large example... This is probably at the limits of speed you can get because in the end you have to check something. It leaves the entire core (except 1 'layer') untouched, does not transpose. The code could be changed to crop at each level before going to the next level, this might speed things up a bit because the matrix would get smaller and smaller (if there is something to crop of course).

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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