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Open Mathematic using App icon after update from 11.0 to 11.0.1 on iMac?

Anonymous User
Anonymous User
Posted 8 years ago


After upgrade I can no longer open Mathematica using the Launchpad App Icon - only can launch from Terminal.

I did follow instructions (move /Applications/ aside, Open-q (quit app) Mathematica before preceeding.

The download then upgrade went fine and I was using a simple note taking todo notebook after. Though I'd already saved once or twice, when i hit Open(apple)-s (save) Mathematica 11.0.1 crashed.

When I re-opened I selected "ignore" then it asked me a second question, something like "your newly installed app crashed do you want to validate". Well i don't know which one I picked I can't recall the question totally. It began validating (all 3 gigabytes apparently) and ended with "This app was not downloaded from the App Store so it cannot be validated" (and of course: Mathematica doesn't open).

If I start Mathematica from Terminal I don't get that message. My question is should I re-install? I guess so. But I have no choice to remove either. Anyway - if app validation needs to happen while the app is open "the first time", then it should warn me it's doing that, so that I know to be dainty and delicate and close it before "something happens" and I get locked out.

I did check the md5 of the download, it matched, not a bad download.

If anyone experienced this "crashes while saving 11.0 notebook after upgrade to 11.0.1" say so. And if anyone has idea how to clear that iMac bug I cannot somehow validate it manually, please tell me how to do that. I have no idea where iMac (Safari) would keep such a state file on app status (ie, is it in defaults(1) settings?)

Thank you

POSTED BY: Anonymous User
2 Replies

I have no issues at all on my system. (MacBook Pro 15 inch + retina, NVIDIA GPU, macOS Sierra)

You can try resetting Mathematica to its default configuration. Here is a link to the tech support article with the details:

Resetting Mathematica

Cutting to the chase, the first thing to do is to hold down the option and shift keys while double-clicking the Mathematica Icon in the Applications folder. If this doesn't work, you can delete (move to a safe place) the user libraries as described in the article.

If this does not work, then a complete re-install may be necessary -- what version of the macOS are you running?

Anonymous User
Anonymous User
Posted 8 years ago

Thanks that did help.

I had nothing (no cloud data, no settings needing to be kept) and rm'ed the whole tree. I then re-installed, having closed Mathematica first.

rm -r /Applications/

rm -r ~/Library/Mathematica/

Install the usual way, and everything works and appears as if 11.0 was just freshly installed on a new iMac.

Mathematica doesn't offer "x" (one click remove app) like apps from App Store. I had misinterpreted that as being that the mathematica installer process would "just know" (mac spoils one at times, but it does have normal PC needs in many places)

POSTED BY: Anonymous User
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