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Basic example of using ROC with Linear regression

Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
7 Replies

An extensive exposition of applying ROC in classifiers ensembles and for classifier interpolation is done in this Community discussion:

"ROC for classifier ensembles, bootstrapping, damaging, and interpolation".

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov

May I know where to find more information about the construct:


I have tried to search in the documentation but there's nothing about it.

Look into the built-in function Composition.

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
Posted 9 years ago

Very impressive. I have to ask: Why did you use LinearModelFit when the binary nature of the dependent variable calls for something like LogitModelFit, ProbitFit, or GeneralizedLinearModelFit?

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
POSTED BY: Anton Antonov

Two years ago submitted more than a few answers to this Community question

"Regression frustration"

one of them with a notebook that had/has ROC implementations. While preparing for WTC-2016, I decided that it is good idea to make a package with ROC functionalities. (Making an Association-centric implementation.)

For a more elaborated example of Linear regression with ROC see this

"Regression with ROC"

project which is part of

MathematicaVsR at GitHub.

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
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