Heres a youtube video of the laser sound. Definitions:
T[f_, mf_, M_] := SawtoothWave[f t + M/(mf + .001)*SawtoothWave[mf*t]]
c = 1/3
r = 44100
A laser example (note you can press play repeatedly and have a starship battle):
LaserA = Table[ 4*Sin[55/(t + .0001) ]*T[22.5 t, 55/16, 55/8]*Exp[-t/(c/14)], {t, 0, 5 c, 1/r}]
ListPlay[LaserA, SampleRate -> 44100]
Example 2:
LaserB = Table[ 4*Sin[55/(t + .0001) ]*T[22.5 t, 0, 0]*Exp[-t/(c/13)], {t, 0, 8 c, 1/r}]
ListPlay[LaserB, SampleRate -> 44100]
Example 3: laser with slower initial chirp
RelaxedLaser = Table[ 4*Sin[165/(t + .0001)]*T[44 t, 4, 8]*Exp[-t/(c/20)], {t, 0, 8 c, 1/r}]
ListPlay[RelaxedLaser, SampleRate -> 44100]