Dear all. Im desperately looking for Help. My capacities in Wolfram aren't the biggest and I'm trying to get my Model to run. Can someone Help me? ~ Greetings Philipp. P.S. The Model is attached
(*Clear variables*)
Clear[P, DC, DF, DB, DS, F, ?, ?, ?, ?];
(*Model Equations*)
DC[t_] := DC[t] = ?*(P[t] - F);
DF[t_] := DF[t] = ?*(F - P[t]);
DB[t_] := DB[t] = ?;
DS[t_] := DS[t] = -?;
P[t_] := P[t] =
P[t - 1] + ?[(?*DC[t - 1] - ?*DF[t - 1])*(P[t - 1] -
F) + ? (DB[t - 1] - DS[t - 1])];
(*Abhängikeiten darstellen*)
(*parameter setting*)
? = 0.010;
F = 0;
? = 1.011;
? = 1.000;
? = 0.165;
(*Startwerte setzten*)
P[0] = F; P[1] = F;
logprices = Table[P[i], {i, 1, 5000}];
logreturns = Differences@logprices;
ListLinePlot[Exp@logprices, PlotStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All,
Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {{"price", None}, {"time", None}},
AspectRatio -> 0.4, GridLines -> {{}, {Exp[F]}}]
(*Entwicklung der log Renditen*)
PlotStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All, Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {{"log returns", None}, {"time", None}},
AspectRatio -> 0.4, Axes -> None]