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Avoid invalid signature error in W|A IOS app?

Posted 8 years ago

Hi I can't use anymore wolfram alpha app on ipad2 due to "Hmmmm.... Invalid Signature" error message. Tried to reinstall, inizialize iPad, but nothing works. IOS 7 and compatible wolfram alpha app from iTunes Store. Any suggestions? Thanks

6 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

Worked okay for me yesterday; today I'm getting the same message. Rebooted, deleted and reinstalled app, no help. Bought the app on my son's iPhone, same result there.

If you try to report through the dialog box, the email it sends is: Query URL: (null)

Looks vaguely networky to me...

POSTED BY: Garrett Nievin
Posted 8 years ago

I have the same problem in an IPad Pro and iPad air2. This is frustrating. I deleted and reinstalled the app. First there was a ok or report message and now is only an ok message

POSTED BY: Angel Moure
Posted 8 years ago

Experienced the same issue here.enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mike Lehman

Yes, very same issue regardless the "weight"of the query. At least it's not a problem of my iPad2... wish I knew that, I've lost all my history reinstalling wolfram :-(

enter image description here

Working again now, looks like Garret Nievin was right about being "networky"...

Anyway thnx, even if I thought someone from Wolfram Staff would have written something.

I have version on my iPad Air and it works just fine. Latest iOS.

The problem may have to do with any update you may have done. or not done. or -- as hypothesized -- a network issue.

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