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The documentation for `FindMaximum` states in the first line: "searches for a local maximum in f, starting from an automatically selected point." So you can't necessarily get there from here. However, `Maximize` guarantees a global maximum for...
Thank you for this very nice demonstration. I realised that, in my original function, some of the quantities are in Radians and some are in Degree. Therefore, my results were not consistent. Thanks for your time.
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
Thanks sir. I got your point and successfully implemented this.
One simple way is to wrap each Axes label in a `Pane` and give it a good `FrameMargine`. Example fm = 20; (*adjust as needed*) Plot3D[Sin[x + y^2], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -2, 2}, AxesLabel -> {Pane["Phase Velocity (m/s)", FrameMargins ->...
Thanks for response ... But this method is highly error generating... As you can see that initially it produces the surface ![enter image description here][1] Where as after interpolation it produces the Surface ![enter image description...
> Now The problem arises is that, the size of exported file "G1.eps" is very high. Near about 10 MB. In such situation the best what can be done is to rasterize only the plot itself, keeping axes and labels in vector form. This problem was...
Your code exactly evaluates "nc" already: 77/51 is an exact rational number. It has no exact, finite decimal representation: 77/51 is the best you can have. If you want to see lots of digits, try something like N[nc,1000].
Yes, that does it. Thank you very much, Chiel Geeraert
Thanks to all.. for their useful disscussion