User Portlet User Portlet

Alec Graves
I do not think anything is specifically built in, but there is support for spinning up (or connecting to existing) AWS instances. It would probably largely be a manual process of sharding your own data into whatever servers you want to use then...
As an update for anyone else who finds this thread, I found a list of currently supported CUDA Compute Capabilities in [the NetTrain TargetDevice documentation]( section (kinda an obvious...
Yea, I am doing WL training on my desktop, which has a GTX 1060 6gb and an RTX 2060. I might use one GPU and leave the other open for experimentation while my main model trains, then use both GPUs when I am not experimenting anymore. My biggest...
You can extract this information from the trained net results object, but typically, I have observed "Automatic" settings mean ADAM optimizer.
+1 It would be great to have documentation about these things. These super-powerful functions (Classify and Predict) are really difficult to use in production environments as long as the documentation of procedures employed is so sparse and the...
Unfortunately, training transformers is slightly more complicated. You would need to add code for the loss function. You could instead train a simple (non-transformer) text classifier in Mathematica using the...
My bad! I forgot to link the repository! (edited main post)
I have discovered some more possible solutions: There are other functions like "FindFit" and "TimeSeriesForcast" that could be applicable since you already have TimeSeries data. I saw a list of Wolfram Language functions at the bottom of this...
Hello! I have really been enjoying the ```"MicrocontrollerKit`"``` and the ability to simply generate and deploy code for arbitrary discrete state space models. I have seen a few videos from Mr. Suba Thomas who seems to be working hard on this...
Hello, I am trying to learn ```"MicrocontrollerKit`"```, and I came across a strange issue with some example code. It appears that when using a specific target, "ArduinoMicro", compilation always fails with an error, regardless of what model I am...