User Portlet User Portlet

Also added this explicitly. thanks!
Hi Yolanda, Check the [Documentation]( The service names are hyperlinks, click on "Twitter" and it will take you to...
Excellent post! (And I would imagine that what you've shown would have implications for statistical sampling: completely random vs something a bit more structured in estimating quantities in landscapes from GIS images.) I do have one issue...
**SEARCH** has been added to the Wolfram Community. More functionality is coming in the next updates for search -- such as filtering, sorting and more.
Dear Sir, Thank you for your suggestions! I'll let you know if I need any help and I'll surely post anything I create. Best regards, Anmol
Here's a very compact solution using [IGraph/M]('s `IGVertexColoring` function. counties = EntityList@EntityClass["AdministrativeDivision", "USCountiesFlorida"]; borderingQ[c1_, c2_] :=...
Sorry, I forgot the x in the functions to plot; also, we can remove unnecessary #,&,/@ Plot[{f0[x], g0[x]}, {x, -2.5, 2.5}, Epilog -> {Point[{x, f0[x]}] /. NSolve[f0[x] == g0[x], x]}]
Use AbsoluteOptions on your Graphics3D to see the current one if you have e.g. rotated it…
Juts for the reference, the setup we used at some events: - ZOOM software allows video recording of screen and audio of mic input. - One hosting computer was always connected to projector and always running a ZOOM meeting. This makes recordings...
Thank you Bill... Indeed after running the command you suggested, `PolarPlot[]` likes `%[[2]]`.