User Portlet User Portlet

Arnoud Buzing
Currently available only as properties of a small set of entities, not as listings on a futures exchange: ``` DateListPlot[ EntityValue[{Entity["Element", "Gold"], Entity["Element", "Silver"], Entity["Element", "Platinum"],...
I am curious about people using the Free Wolfram Engine for Developers ( I have two questions: 1. What editor and/or IDE do you use primarily with the WE to develop your code? 2. If Wolfram added the notebook...
Rohit, we're actually working toward an open issue tracker for Wolfram Language issues. Would you be interested in joining our prerelease program, so you have early access to this issue tracker?
The Control+Shift+1 trick is super nice (and maybe more usable than way the desktop notebook interface does). Very nice!
Tarkeshwar, To answer your question, I need one piece of information: On the machine that you use to run this code, do you have the "(free) Wolfram Engine" installed? When you type `wolframscript` in a command line window and then evaluate...
Great! I think the message with `"ZIP"` is a (small) bug or limitation. The Wolfram Language downloads your `XLSX` file to a temporary local file and then tries to heuristically determine what sort of file it is. However this temporary local file...
You mean by using `ColorFunction`? ``` ListPlot[ RandomInteger[100, 20], ColorFunction -> "Rainbow" ] ```
[removed, because I read the question wrong]
![enter image description here][1] One more! :) [1]: