User Portlet User Portlet

Hi can you guys check if your Manipulate is working correctly? For me the control placement is weird in Wolfram Desktop 12.1. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
I tried to connect to Gmail successfully using the following (after allowing Less secure app access in Gmail): server=MailServerConnect[ "", MailSettings-> "", "Password"->"xxx", ...
Consulting is needed for small sized company providing actuarial and data science consulting services to insurance companies in the GCC and Pakistan. The company has an old code base which is written in Wolfram language by a former employee. The...
Hi this might be a simple question but i still can't figure it out. Suppose i have component which is critical to the survival of a machine. The component has a lifetime distribution `distA` if it is active and `distI` if is not active. There is a...