User Portlet User Portlet

I am planning to get a new phone later this month since I have moved to a new country and my old phone is causing me difficulties. I see there are good deals on Samsung (Android) and iPhones (IOS). My issue is I want to run notebook applications...
Hello, we are in the process of grading the Level I exercises from this study group and will be getting back to you shortly. Thank you for your patience.
Thanks. We are working on setting it right.
HI Charles, Links to notebook downloads have been shared with registered participants. If you haven't already, please feel free to sign up at Thanks
Great series. I completed the four quizzes. Do we need to do anything else to request a certificate?
Thank you very much.This is a big help! Andrew Skipor
Yet another way: DeleteMissing[{#, PartOfSpeech[#]} & /@ StringJoin /@ Permutations[{"z", "t", "c", "a", "u", "h", "p"}], 1, Infinity]
Dear All, For your information only. See also [link description here][1] - Hyperlink: Regards,....Jos [1]:
I tried to connect to Gmail successfully using the following (after allowing Less secure app access in Gmail): server=MailServerConnect[ "", MailSettings-> "", "Password"->"xxx", ...
Yes that is true. However this shortcut did help me looking into the notebooks. A custom iFilter should make things better. Going through the extension and their filters it seems only the standard txt filter is used. No idea if Wolfram research...