User Portlet User Portlet

Thanks, Marco. Thank goodness I keep 8.0 around for certain types of printing. I now get the hyperlink in 8.0 but without the underlining (although another Stack Exchange discussion addressed this, it didn't work for me). But it'll do. ...
Thanks, Ilian. I'll use one of these if there's indeed no built-in functionality (in the kernel) like Combinatorica's Derangements function (which I'm now using but want to avoid because of the conflicts with the kernel).
Thanks for the reply Jose. Let's make sure I understand. Let G be a group and X be a pointlist. The GroupOrbits documentation addresses GroupOrbits[G, X, f[X-element, G-element]]. Thus X-elements and G-elements are referenced by #1 and #2...
Girish, this is perfect, exactly what I sought. Thanks.
Underoverscript[X, k = 1, n]* Subscript[A, k] ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=BigX.png&userId=442297
Does someone know how to find the size of the factor group below? For B an nXn nonsingular integer matrix, let M(B) be the integer linear combinations of the B-columns. Let M(I) be the n-dimensional integer vectors. Treat both as additive...
Re Mathematica 10.1 and the entry X = CountryData@"Countries"; When I enter the above command under Windows 7, it works well (240 obs). But under Windows 8.1, it returns $Failed and persists in doing so when I re-enter. However,...
For independent discrete random variables X and Y uniformly distributed over {1,2,3,4,5}, I want to compute the 30th quantile of X + Y. Why doesn't the first block of code work (it simply echos back the Quantile command)? The second block works (a...
Jim, this is fantastic, answers my question, and revealed something important that was new to me (the Properties). Thanks! Bruce
As always, Dave, your comments are thought provoking! I didn't know that Nothing was so interesting. Hope you've been well.