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I cannot help you further except noting that 1. The original dataset is not newer than 2008 (the paper is from 2010) 2. Mathematica's function `WordFrequencyData` considers only this data set. I suggest you read the documentation on...
This is incorrect. You area element is `dx dy` if x and y are within the specified area. So, If you want to take this approach you need use the following Integrate[Boole[(E^x + y)^2 + x^2
If you discretize, your system will not work against the analytical description of the lens, but rather against a bunch of hyper polygons (in 3D), and any computation you do, will have to consider them all, unless you do some programming yourself....
It is also depends on the OS. On my MacBook Pro disk = Graphics[{Black, Disk[{985, 1030}, 600]}, ImageSize -> {2048, 2048}]; ImageDimensions[disk] returns {4096, 4096} So, different behaviors on different...
There is a right way to pass code here. Anyway, [RightArrow] is the problem you need to use a rule. So just replace the [rightArrow] with -> (see the snippet below) data = Table[{i, Sin[i]}, {i, 0, 2 Pi, 0.1 Pi}]; ListAnimate[ ...
In the documentation you see that approaching elements of NumericArray systematically is by using Part, therefore the only way of implementing 1+na is using a loop (that generates lists) for example na = NumericArray[Range[10],...
There is no point of trying this. It is an old unsolved issue at the moment (and for a too long time). If this is for documentation needs, I have seen people writing in Hebrew using MS WORD or similar and pasting PDF "snippets" to Mathematica...
I suggest that you read on `BinaryWrite` and `BinaryReadList` functions. For a random matrix of the same size you used in the example it takes 0.005651` seconds to store it with 32 bits for each real number (i.e., single precision). It approximately...
A relevant code snippet would help
Disregarding physics and considering what you have done only programming-wise 1. Boundary conditions need to be used with equal (==) rather then Set (i.e, a single = sign) 2. There is a problem with the differentiation (the first part) 3. You...