User Portlet User Portlet

Seems to be 8 years after the original post and the problem resides. The use case is a large loop processing thousands of files. From each file, some parameters, stored as binaries in specific fields that Mathematica cannot read them directly...
I warmly support your request. Now as we are teaching, mostly online, this is of great importance. I use IPAD and lack the combination of free hand notes done in real time with regular notebook that is prepared beforehand.
Hi I use multiple cores all the time. The speedup is impressive. Combining Mathematica and CUDA works, but most of our GPU programming was directly with CUDA and C++. The speedup is enormous, however, one needs to specialize in CUDA and be...
This happens since the RHS is not equal to the LHS in the general case. It holds only for positive H So FullSimplify[ H^(1 - Sec[\[Beta]]) (H - s Sin[\[Beta]])^(-1 + Sec[\[Beta]]), Assumptions -> H > 0 ] will return...
Did you mean Friday May **29** ?
It seems that you will not be able to do that. `Element[1,{1,2,3}]` does not return either True or False for relations with sets, the expression is just returned unevaluated. Within programs `MemberQ[{1, 2, 3}, 1]` returns True but it is not...
Do not set variables of constant values with :=, just use = For the sake of Manipulate you do not need them at all. The following will give you the basic idea, and from there keep reading the documentation Manipulate[Plot[Sin[x], {x, a,...
I'll add my 2 cents of answer relating to your sentence > Thanks, but I rather want them to be returned on two separate output > lines, if that's possible. As mentioned by Szabolcs functions always **return** a single answer. Therefore, if you...
With our getting into the correctness of the computation itself (I didn't check that) there is an obvious syntax error You forgot using a `Module` or a `Block` So the code should look like gridresistor[p_, q_, ai_, aj_, bi_, bj_] := ...
Hi You need to be aware of some functions in Mathematica `SplitBy` `GatherBy` `GroupBy` For you specific case (although your data is already sorted, I cannot count on that), and assuming that a variable named `data` hold the information...