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7,000,000 digits on hold ================================== With my two souped-up I9-14900 K's it would take 90 days and $500.00 of electricity to compute, and at least 120 days and $1000.00 to check. I'm getting a I9-14900KS to add to...
Gracias Sorin Suciu. Ya conocía Mathematica puede evaluar formalmente integrales como: Integrate[ ArcTan[Sqrt[1 + x^2]]/(1 + x^2)^(3/2), {x, 0, 1}] // FullSimplify, ...
You can do: ``` In[24]:= RipleyK[{proc4, Entity["Country", "France"]}, Range[0, 10, 1]] Out[24]= {Quantity[0., ("Miles")^2], Quantity[0., ("Miles")^2], Quantity[0., ("Miles")^2], Quantity[0., ("Miles")^2], Quantity[0., ("Miles")^2],...
You could do something like this: (HoldForm[6]^40)/(HoldForm[6]^20)
Thanks. It is a good way. Maybe there is no way to show the result with fraction.
Since the original formula for the MKB constant is an integral, its domain is continuous. So, we have the following comparison of it to the original formula of the MRB constant which is a sum. (MKB has many more pairs of terms that are equal to each...
Using Mathematica, I've made a notable contribution to mathematics that I'm verry proud of! Search "MRB constant." and see Is there anything you would like me to do for you, or maybe your...
Here is a more than 6,532,490 digit near rational approximation involving the MRB constant. &[Wolfram Notebook][1] If ![enter image description here][2] is rational then ![enter image description here][3] is a quadratic. [1]:...
You can use Bing AI and Google CPT to make Mathematica code. They will give you a good start, but occasionally you must make a few corrections. ![enter image description here][1] This time the AI pulled off what it promised without error! ...