User Portlet User Portlet

Brett Champion
One way is to create a custom ChartElementFunction that takes the extra dimension of data as metadata. Here's an example in 3D that should illustrate the idea (and should be easily modifiable for your purposes.) Brett [mcode]In[1]:=...
The small square has padding from the explicit image width and height: [mcode]Overlay[{ Graphics[{Opacity[.4], Rectangle[]}, ImageSize -> .2 {300, 787}, ImagePadding -> 0, PlotRangePadding -> 0, Background -> Red], Graphics[{Opacity[.2],...
"TeXPasteWarning" under MessageOptions
This works, at least in this case: In[11]:= Table[Floor[Sqrt[2^n], 10.^(Floor[Log10[Sqrt[2^n]] - 1])], {n, 1., 10.}] Out[11]= {1.4, 2., 2.8, 4., 5.6, 8., 11., 16., 22., 32.}
The plot using ColorFunction has VertexColors in it, and so uses the 3D renderer. As a result, it's not getting antialiased, either because the graphic card doesn't support it, or it's not turned on in Mathematica (Preferences > Appearance >...
The mesh is still adaptive, but with less refinement. (Note the small triangles in the corners.) Mesh refinement is based on the angles between polygons, and is computed using the natural coordinate system, without accounting for the rescaling that...
I have two approaches: The first (and I think best) is to replace  CityData[{Large, "USA"}]with DeleteCases[CityData[{Large, "USA"}], {_, "Alaska" | "Hawaii", _}]to ignore cities in Alaska and Hawaii. The second is to...
Min, that is an awful abuse of Mesh.  I like it. :D
Here is our version. Browsers’ data are sorted alphabetically per month. I couldn't figure out how to include missing data so that the last segment wasn't filled. I like this better as a bar chart. I wonder why they don't...
One basic approach is as follows: [mcode]AngularGauge[WeatherData["KCMI", "WindDirection"], {0, 360}, ScaleOrigin -> {Pi/2, -3 Pi/2}, (* 0/360 at top, increasing clock-wise *) ScaleDivisions -> None, (* hide the default ticks *) ...