User Portlet User Portlet

Bryan Lettner
I stumbled across this excellent post while searching the following website for a roll-your-own implementation of Lisp in Mathematica: [Make A Lisp][1] Quite to my surprise, the Wolfram Language was nowhere to be found on the list. ...
Thanks. 'Preciate it.
That looks pretty awesome Patrick! I'm sure many would find this useful for posting songs on youtube
The reason for the formation of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea. The wind waves enrich the water with oxygen only to a depth of several tens of meters of the seas and oceans surface, while the whirlpools deliver the water enriched with oxygen...
Forgot to mention, *ds* varies from 0 to 1. It is the fractional part of the scale exponents, so when it reaches 1 we have the same set of scales and a perfect loop. If there was an infinite number of layers, we could change *ds* from -inf to +inf.
Yes, I agree 'why hasn't metaprogramming been taken up' is a very interesting question. It is certainly something which WL would seem to have some sort of comparative advantage at. And the various shortcomings that Shifrin identifies - particularly...
![enter image description here][1] Same principle as a previous [post][2], but added some visual aids to make it more intuitive. Drastically resized due to filesize limits, download full-size GIF [here][3] . Also had some fun with the colors and...
![enter image description here][1] - Congratulations! This post is now a [Staff Pick][2] as distinguished by a badge on [your profile][3]! Thank you, keep it coming! [1]:...
Dear [@Bryan Lettner][at0], thank you very much for creative encouragement of the community! Yet one of the key rules of the forum is showing some effort of you own in the form of the Wolfram Language code. Could you please pave the way for others...
Bryan, Short is only a display feature -- it does not affect the values or expressions in any way. Also, I usually try not to display such long outputs because itÂ’s slow (use a semicolon) but no content is lost by the truncated display. If...