User Portlet User Portlet

... continuing on these are the parameters I chose to when investigating the model behaviour, by simulating and then plotting the energy stored in the material stock components and on a second plot the power passing through the proportionalTransition...
Hello John, Oliver, Congratulations on an excellent Colloquium. Could I ask, if Cheng Wang would be so kind as to share her notebook so that I may study her approach in more detail? I don't mind to reach out to her myself, but wanted to ask...
Your welcome Arben, This framework is fundamental to many fields, so I'm willing to assist your call for comment. We're all tolerant to the most reasonable result within the time budget and the present condition of this framework is indeed quite...
Thank you Jason, Your suggestion to run PacletDataRebuild[] and restarting Mathematica worked. Thank you also Eric for looking at my post.
Thank you Eric. Your description made sense, now I understand how the syntax of Flatten relates to where element wind up in the newly created list structure. Helpful indeed !!
I found it necessary to answer all the questions before grading.
I know the landing page website was given but, I'd like to know how to navigate there from my Wolfram Cloud account landing page. Could someone demonstrate navigating from a user's Wolfram landing page to the course we are taking? ...
Thank-you Abrita, I should have been more specific in the lesson chat. In the lesson we created a notebookobject nb=CreateDocument[expr]. It had opened a new notebook in a window on the screen. Then I closed that window (without saving the...
Thank-you, I saw that example but it wasn't immediately apparent how it works. One remaining question .. Does this mean that only one of the overlays can contain controls ?
referenced systemmodeler file : In, there appears the statement thermalConductivityTable[outerMaterial] * A to calculate the wall...