User Portlet User Portlet

Did this for tfin/50 after having kicked out some typos (missing semicolons, op == 0 twice written, double time derivation showed somehow up as Transpose[]), it finally run as seen in the picture, giving a sea of zeroes ... ![enter image...
Have a look to the references [StringReplace][1], [RegularExpression][2], and soon you write something like that In[4]:= Clear[sql0] sql0 = "DateTo={d'2013-01-01'},DateTo={d'2013-01-01'}"; In[13]:= StringReplace[sql0, ...
[Intersection][1] has to be applied usually to a sequence of lists, but as mostly often > Intersection works with any head, not just List: So, if something isn't an atom In[8]:= AtomQ[a[1]] Out[8]= False it has a head and this head...
It's in fact only one line NumberLinePlot[NestList[(4 #^3 - 3 #) &, .6, 100]] or another single line ListPlot[NestList[(4 #^3 - 3 #) &, .6, 100]]
What about In[4]:= Mod[{-1.69347, 1.70849, 0.181325, -1.69539, 1.73843, 0.357308}/Degree, 360] Out[4]= {262.971, 97.8893, 10.3892, 262.861, 99.6047, 20.4722}
In this case it's not a big deal, this Table[{a, Integrate[E^(I a x + I b Cos[x]), {x, 0, 2 Pi}, Assumptions -> b \[Element] Reals]}, {a, 0, 12}] {{0, 2 \[Pi] BesselJ[0, Abs[b]]}, {1, 2 I \[Pi]...
Type [satellites overhead][1] into Wolfram|Alpha and have at least a standard position available at your machine, let's say Zurich, then ![enter image description here][2] red points are visible satellites (mod sun, clouds, trees, a peaked cap you...
It does not work because In[2]:= RecurrenceTable[{a[n + 1] == 1/2 (-(1/a[n]) + a[n]), a[1] == 42}, a, {n, 1, Infinity}] During evaluation of In[2]:= RecurrenceTable::eternal: -- Message text not found -- >> Out[2]=...