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Another way, less general than previous ones... Notice first that Sin[2 t] // TrigExpand gives 2 Cos[t] Sin[t] Then perform a revealing change of variable: x[t_] := Sin[t]; y[t_] := 2 x[t] x'[t]; y[ArcSin[x]] ...
This is not exactly, the same thing, because Sign in discontinuous. So, the fist function is derivable, while the second one is not (excepted probably in the Distributions sense). D[functionWithConditional[t], t] If[t
You should first glance at examples from the demonstration project:
Dear Gokul, thanks a lot for reminding me of the existence of contexts! Needs["MultivariateStatistics`"] dist = System`MultinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, {{1.7632655763946026`, -1.6637745757032427`}, \ ...
This is a degenerate case! A = {{1/72, 1/63, 1/56}, {1/56, 1/63, 1/72}}; MatrixForm@A A.{x, y, z} MatrixRank[A] Consider first the kernel of A: a vector V V = First@NullSpace[A] A.(k V) // Simplify Complete V by...
Hello! I suppose that's a correction for bias. Suppose the weight is uniform. Then Dot[weights, weights]=1/n and const=n/(n-1). But, in the general case, const = 1 / (1 + -Dot[weights, weights]) seems different from the standard...
Everything works very well now! Thanks a lot
I would like to compute the shortest distance between a number on pairs of points on a 2-dimensional Riemanniann statistical manifold (Negative Binomial distributions manifold, equipped with the Rao's metrics). This is sometimes VERY long,...
Hello, this is the Mean, not the total, which should convege to zero (Weyl's criterion). Claude
From a naive viewpoint, your can merely examine the errrors: err1 = Observeddata - Regression; err2 = Observeddata - NeuralNet; m = Map[Mean, {err1, err2}]; s = Map[StandardDeviation, {err1, err2}]; {a, b} =...