User Portlet User Portlet

I use version, for Windows 11 professional...
Thanks a lot Rhoit! I think it's good.
Thanks Jim! I didn't though to use a mixture model. Pretty long, but it works: S = StableDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] /. mle[[2]]; Print@Show[{Histogram[don, "FreedmanDiaconis", "PDF", PlotRange ->...
Hello! According to the documentation, "it is also known as autocorrelation or cross-correlation function (ACF or CCF)" . Consider two series: don2 = {1.4700335660303452`, 3.938502200833952`, -2.3409981833059916`,...
Hello everybody! I'd like to compute a cross-correlation function between two series, and tests the associated correlations. So , I installed the R package testcorr, and tried to use it. Here are the data - X and Y: {-642.004, 868.033,...
Hi Ted! The problem is that DiracDelta is not really a function, but a positive measure (or, more generally a Schwartz's distribution). So, we must use a sequence of functions converging towards DiracDelta to obtain the Laplace Transform. Try for...
Hello! Try something like: Needs["MultivariateStatistics`"]; data = RandomReal[MultinormalDistribution[{1, 15}, v], {1000}]; \[CapitalOmega] = EllipsoidQuantile[data, 0.95]; Show[ListPlot[data, Frame -> True, AspectRatio ->...
Hi! I tried to simply your problem, using the linearity of the integral. First, IntegListe = Apply[List, ExpandAll[ K*(a*K*Exp[-(a + ((g*(1 - c*g))*(L/(1 + (L - 1)*Exp[-(t - T)])))/ K)*t] + (g*(1...
Thank you very much! LeTexte = Import["UEMO2021.txt", {"Text", "Lines"}, CharacterEncoding -> "WindowsANSI"]; works perfectly! Regards, Claude
Hi! Can I apply textual analysis methods (in Mathematica 12.1) to French texts? I translated few sentences in English, processed them and back-translated the result, but remember it was the favorite method of Père Ubu to convert an old...