User Portlet User Portlet

Dave Middleton
Thank you Keren. Good to know that these notebooks can be found in the Notebook Archive. Unfortunately, it is impossible to retrieve the same notebook again using the Notebook Archive search. If I search for the title "An Overview of Number...
Thank you Marc, I will explore the route to simplify and analyze set expressions in logical form and transfer them to sets later.
Thank you Ian. I suspected an illustration, but since there are some many functions and options in the WL, I still learn about ones I never used before. I thought it was worth asking.
Still an issue with Mathematica 13.3.0., also on Windows 10 22H2 64-bit. The TextAlignment will not change with changing notebook window size. Only when I re-Evaluate the expression after the window re-size will the text be displayed with correct...
Theo Gray also explains this in this video on the Woflram R&D channel:
John, Rohit answered the question on how to change or set your OpenAI key (Thanks Rohit). For the OpenAI key to work within Mathematica you need an API key that can draw tokens from the OpenAI platform either through a trial or a pay-per-use...
Hi Phil, thanks for the suggestion; I will Reload a Community page before I post next time. It's a good practice in general as I also missed the latest post by Arben Kalziqi.
The simple answer is: the expectation of the norm is not the same as the norm of the expectation .The norm is not a linear function, so the E[f[X] ] != f[ E[X ]]. So this should work instead: ...
Thank you Pred Liu, for sharing. The Wolfram Language is very versatile and so is working with Datasets. I shared a serial notation that helped me understand the concept, but it comes at the expense of compactness. I think over time as we become...
Uploaded version 2 of the "Navigation the Entity Framework: A Short Tutorial". The changes can be found in the "Change History" section at the end.