User Portlet User Portlet

Dave Middleton
Thanks Steph, I am looking forward. My name in the previous post never got “updated” :)
I think you are correct about the form of x[n] in Quiz 3 Problem 10. Well found Rui. In general, I am also still learning about with the choice of FourierParameters which defines the FT. I found a source explaining it here: ...
You're welcome Lori. Even though the exercise to create a short tutorial made me wiser, I will still refer to it whenever I need entities :)
A methodological question on using Predict versus Classify. I am working on a model to forecast attendance in a non-contractual setting, which effectively means that all the data I have is in the historic attendance. The attendance per...
Affirmative; the magnification is about 25% larger compared to the older version(s). Like Martijn, I had set the Global Magnification to 75% to get the familiar look back.
Hi Rohit, Thanks for the response. The answer is yes, but there is a bit of a story to it. I already created concurrent user plots over time, which I named Attendance Charts/Plots. Since I collected a lot of data, these charts have more...
In this post I want to revisit the Titanic Dataset example to point out some unexpected GroupBy behavior. Let's load the example Dataset as so: titanic = ExampleData[{"Dataset", "Titanic"}] We'll calculate the survival ratio as a...
Thanks for sharing the workaround, Marc. I used it to ensure the correct color values in the RegionValuePlot in Mathematica version 12. Today, I ran into an issue with a custom ColorFunction in RegionValuePlot, which showed colors for US Sates...
Are users of version 12.1 experiencing performance issues with the Notebook front-end in general and Datasets in particular? My last notebook created in version 12 worked well with a small Dataset, but in 12.1 scrolling the notebook is slow...
Dear Alan, Thank you for your Livecoding sessions. I am catching up on them, but found it difficult to extract the links to your notebooks and prerequisites from the videos i.e. full URLs to Google Drive. Would it be possible for you to...