User Portlet User Portlet

It would also be useful if there were Mathematica-specific features included in the Benchmark. Right now the internal benchmarks entirely target general and universal sorts of operations that can be compared to other softwares - things like...
Expanding on David's first suggestion epilog = MapIndexed[ Text[Style[ToString@First@#2, Black], {Last@partitions[[1]] + 3, #1}] &, partitions[[2]]] VSP = ListPlot[ {cat1, cat2, cat3, cat4}, PlotStyle -> ({#,...
Sections etc,. help you organise your thoughts. I typically use them to hide details in steps in an analysis so that when I execute the entire notebook, I can reproduce an output such as a plot. Such an organisation assists debugging and...
A naive solution uses `ToExpression[]` num = {1., E, \[Pi], FortranForm[10.^10]} // N Head[#] & /@ num str = ToString[#] & /@ num Head[#] & /@ str but note the output of exp = ToExpression[#] & /@ str Head[#] & /@...
I was wondering how to set things up with MapThread. Thank you, Sander!