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AHA!! RemoveBackground did it. Problem solved!! Thanks RJB
I also can't open your dxf in AutoCadLT. In my experience Mathematica's DXF export functionality is at best flakey - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The attached notebook is something I put together to try to figure out what's going...
Crossposted [here](
I've the following system of equations for studying information flow in the below graph, $\frac{d \phi}{dt}$ = $-M^TDM$ $ \phi$ M is the incidence matrix $\phi$ is a vector with properties [ A B C D E F] [![enter image...
Hi Natash, well, yes, of course, qua construction there are discontinuities: Manipulate[ Graphics[BezierCurve /@ cleanLinePoints[[;; n]], PlotRange -> {{0, 550}, {0, 160}}, ImageSize -> Large], {n, 1, ...
This is a follow-up to my post [here][1] The output of `Graphics[BezierCurve /@ cleanLinePoints]` gives an image like [this][2]. From the documentation , I understand BezierCurve command fits a cubic spline by default. I would like to relax the...
Hi Natasha, You are probably approaching the limit of DSolve's ability to find an analytical solution (at least directly). You should consider a numerical solution for this problem. If you are okay with a numerical solution, you can use the...
This one is actually easy to find ... e.g. googling "image to matrix Mathematica" takes me straight to `ImageData`.
Due to its exceptional value, the comment by [@Szabolcs Horvát][at0] was moved to a [stand-alone discussion thread][1] and awarded a Staff Pick badge. [@Natash A][at1] you can consider the information at the following URL to be answer to your...