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That did seem oddly formatted. Perhaps this will be close enough Function[K57068,ConditionalExpression[Root[256.Re[K57068]^2-576.#1+432.#1^2- 108.#1^3+9.#1^4 &,1],0 x,Re[_]->0} which returns 0. - 576.*x + 432.*x^2 - 108.*x^3 +...
l[r_]:=Tr[MatrixPower[N[p[r].p[r]],1/2]]-1; Plot[l[r],{r,0,0.2}] t=Table[{r,l[r]},{r,1/100,80/100,1/100}] ListLinePlot[t] ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
I understood that q and q1 had the same value. I was only looking for any and every tiny difference in the way the two sets of equations were written, hoping any tiny difference might uncover the problem. Now to hopefully the more important part. ...
If you have a function that describes your curves then use Table to create the data points that you want. This might look like ListLinePlot3D[{ Table[{.01,y,1.Sin[y]},{y,0,2,.02}], Table[{.33,y,.5 Sin[y]},{y,0,2,.02}], ...
I have no idea. I just experiment a little now and then to try to see if I can get WA to solve a particular problem. I have a small list of things that I think I've figured out to try to do that. If I were you then I'd put together a list of half...
Does this example help? HarmonicAddition[a_*Cos[q_]+b_*Sin[q_]]:=Sqrt[a^2+b^2]*Sign[a]*Cos[ArcTan[-b/a]+q] and then HarmonicAddition[2 Cos[theta]+3 Sin[theta]] returns Sqrt[13]*Cos[theta - ArcTan[3/2]] Please test that...
If you are potentially waiting three days for this to complete then you may not want to interrupt that to verify and correct these If you scrape-n-paste your expression from your screen into a notebook then, with a bit of hunting, it shows that ...
There is sometimes a chance you can control the output using pattern matching replacement like this yourexpression /. a_*Cos[x_]+b_*Sin[x_]->aFormulaForC*Cos[x+aFormulaForTheta ] That is going to search through yourexpression trying to find...
I have no idea if this might help you or not, but FullSimplify[ Integrate[(E^(-k Pi+(k γ)/2)(-1+E^(k γ)))/(-1+E^(-k Pi))Exp[I k x],{k,-Infinity,0},Assumptions->0 0 2*Im[x]&&2*(Pi+Im[x])>3*γ] Is there any chance that might be...
Since you are trying to maximize something that has a large complicated denominator... I wondered what happened if tried to minimize the square of that denominator Minimize[Denominator[Together[-(b/(3 a))+((1+I Sqrt[3])(-b^2+3 a c))/ ...